
Michael has been working on several large scale enterprise Java projects and applications. This includes rich clients and web-based interfaces.

Past projects

HyLOS - Hypermedia Learning Object System

The Hypermedia Learning Object System (HyLOS) implements an adaptive eLearning Content Management System supporting a self-explorative as well as an instructional guided learning approach. HyLOS is based upon an eLearning Object Information Model which aggregates content, metadata and relations between learning objects in an IEEE LOM (Learning Object Metadata) standard-compliant manner. It consequently applies the separation of structure, content and design utilizing the power of XML technologies. An advanced authoring environment facilitates the creation of eLearning object based content.

Selected publications:

Michael Engelhardt, Thomas C. Schmidt
Educational Content Management
In F. Garcia, J. Garcia, M. Lopez, R. Lopez, E. Verdu (Eds.) Educational Virtual Spaces in Practice, Pg. 105--118, Barcelona, 2005. Arial International
Michael Engelhardt, Arne Hildebrand, Thomas C. Schmidt
A Semantic Approach to Automated Content Augmentation for eLearning Objects
In Michael E. Auer, Ursula Auer (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference "Interactive Computer aided Learning" ICL 2005. The Future of Learning, Villach (Austria) 2005. Kassel University Press.
Michael Engelhardt, Arne Hildebrand, Thomas C. Schmidt
Automatisierte Augmentierung von Lernobjekten in einer semantischen Interpretationsschicht der HyLOS Plattform
In Jörg M. Haake, Ulrike Lucke, Djamshid Tavangarian DeLFI 2005 3. Deutsche e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, Pg. 105-116, Rostock, 2005. ISBN: 3-83251023-0.
Michael Engelhardt, Thomas C. Schmidt
Semantic Linking - a Context-Based Approach to Interactivity in Hypermedia
In: Rainer Eckstein, Robert Tolksdorf (Eds.) Berliner XML Tage 2003 - Tagungsband, Pg. 55-66, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2003. ISBN: 3-88579116-1.

Private projects

In his spare time Michael contributes to several open source projects including:

SpenDb - Spendendatenbank

SpenDb is a simple custom solution to manage various donations.


Sdsget - Synology Download Station Get is a wget like command line utility written in Rust.


CVDL is a simple utility to download the coursera video files from the coursera e-learning plattform.


Runtraction helps you to track your running progress and training sessions. Open Source: Runtraction strongly believes in the Open Source idea, so the application will be released under an Open Source license. Web Technologies: Runtraction is build using open standard technologies from the HTML5 stack. It utilizes the W3C Geolocation API, IndexedDB Storage and various Javascript frameworks. This includes JQuery, JQuery Mobile as well as AngluarJS just to name a few. Any Platform: Being ‘just’ a web page with some Javascript logic Runtraction is not tied to a certain platform. It will run on any device support HTML5, IndexedDB, W3C Geolocation and Javascript.

#SBahnfail! - S-Bahn Failures

#SBahnFail! aggregates tweets related to (mostly) outages and resumption messages related to the Berliner S-Bahn from different users into one view. It is more a proof of concept and learning application for using JQuery Mobile and AngularJS.ity to download the coursera video files from the coursera e-learning platform.


xs:Analyzer is a schema analyzing tool to examine and improve large scale XML schemas. It currently features: detection of unused types: Types which are defined inside the target namespace but are not used in any place, determination of similar type definitions: Types having a semantical similar structure, syntactical equivalence types: search for elements having an equal name but referring to a different type.